6 Traits Of Successful Entrepreneurs
I’ve observed 1000’s of entrepreneurs’ styles, personalities, experiences, and risk-tolerances over the last seven years.
While I believe everyone is capable of creating success on their own terms, there are also some stand-out traits of CEOs who make things happen a bit faster and bigger.
Successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and are willing to put in the work and investment required to make it happen. Being driven to achieve your goal, make a difference or solve problems helps you stay focused. That focus creates momentum and wins. What is your “why”?
Curiosity is a superpower when it comes to building a business. It requires you to be open-minded, thoughtful and questioning. Ideas sprout when you’re curious. Be curious about your customers - not only when, how and why they use your product/ service - but also their lives. Talk with them often. Observe how other organization and industries run their businesses. We can’t know everything, but we can ask questions, read, watch, and listen to connect new dots. What are you curious about today?
Gets Help
We often do everything ourselves and work until it impacts our health and relationships. Or beat ourselves up for not getting the traction we want in our business. Getting help is essential in building a business. You need a village of support to see your blindspots, learn and get things done. Internally, we need to identify the tasks that can be outsourced or delegated to free up your valuable time. Externally, you need help from a coach, mastermind, board of advisors or mentor for encouragement and insights. Who is helping you?
Building a business is not easy, and you will face many challenges and setbacks. The proverbial entrepreneurial rollercoaster. One of the keys to success is to be resilient and bounce back from failures, learn from your mistakes, and keep pushing forward.
Use your curiosity to learn more and keep going. If you get a “no” remember that it could be “not now”. And a “no” means you’re asking, not hiding.
Success is taking action.
“ I just learned that there’s a formula, you have to go through a certain number of ‘no’s to get to a ‘yes,’ so don’t let it discourage you.”
Standing out in a crowded market, finding new ways to engage your audience and making operations efficient all take creativity. Many people don’t think of themselves as creative but frequently use their imagination and problem-solve. Are you constantly looking for new and better ways to solve problems? Can you envision your company in the future? Do you explore ways to serve your customers better? You’re creative!
Excellent Communicator
Communicating effectively and frequently to investors, employees, and customers is essential. As the leader, people look to you for guidance, reassurance and structure. If your team doesn’t know what you’re thinking, they’ll start to make up their own stories. Over-communicating is important.
An area I see many CEOs get stuck in is avoiding having tough conversations. Learning to give productive feedback is a skill to learn early. You also need to be a good listener and open to feedback. Communication is an area of growth for many CEOs that takes practice and coaching. What areas of communication do you need to improve?
How would you rate yourself on these traits?
Gets Help
Excellent Communicator
Which ones are a strength for you? Which one(s) would you like to strengthen?