How to keep going when everything feels... a lot.

Have you ever scrolled through the news and thought, "How can I possibly focus on my business when the world feels like it's falling apart?"

Yeah, me too.

It’s a wild world out there. Every time you turn on the news or open social media, you’re hit with another crisis — wars, natural disasters, political chaos, the list goes on. It can feel like your dreams and goals are trivial in the face of such massive problems. The thought creeps in:

Is it even right to focus on my business right now? Shouldn’t I be doing something more meaningful?

I was feeling the same way

A few years ago, when a major world crisis was unfolding, I felt completely paralyzed. I thought, "Who am I to talk about business strategies right now? It feels so trivial in comparison to what's happening in the world."

She told me that because of our coaching sessions, she had the courage to increase her prices, launch new products, hire a virtual assistant and grow her business beyond $1 million. Without my coaching, she would have stayed stuck and small.

That message snapped me out of my spiral. I realized that by helping her, I had indirectly made a positive impact while the chaos raged on. My work wasn’t trivial; it was necessary. And so is yours.

Use the power of YES, AND.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that you need to fix everything in the world before you can justify focusing on your business. But that mindset doesn’t help anyone. It keeps you stuck in fear and inaction.

Think about it: If every purpose-driven entrepreneur threw in the towel every time there was a crisis, the world would be even darker. It’s precisely in times of chaos that your voice, your ideas, and your solutions are needed most.

I’m NOT saying to ignore what’s happening.

Be informed. Be compassionate. Take aligned action where you can. But don’t let the weight of the world silence you.

You can hold awareness of the world’s challenges while continuing to operate your business - YES, AND. The two are not mutually exclusive.

How to navigate this balance

1. Revisit your "why."

Why did you start your business? Chances are, it wasn’t just to make money (though let’s be real — you deserve that, too). You’re probably driven by a deeper mission: to help people, to create change, to bring something valuable into the world.

When the outside world feels overwhelming, reconnect with that mission. Your work is meaningful. It’s your way of contributing to the greater good. The ripple effects of your business can create more positive change than you realize.

2. Control what you can control.

You can’t single-handedly solve all the world’s problems. But you can make an impact within your sphere of control and influence.

Circles of Influence - what can you control and influence?

Based on Stephen Covey's Circles of Influence (1989)

I've reimagined Covey's Circles of Influence to visually represent what we have control/ influence over in our businesses and everything else happening in the world.

When you're feeling overwhelmed and powerless, ask yourself:

  1. What am I concerned about?

  2. Is this in my direct control? (decisions, actions, behaviours)

  3. If it's not in my control, what influence could I have? Is it worth the time, energy and resources? Who in my network might have control or influence?

  4. If it's out of my control and influence, how much time, energy and mindshare do I want to give to this concern? How can I find some peace with this?

This reminds me of the serenity prayer

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

The more you focus on what you can do, the less powerless you’ll feel.

3. Give yourself permission to take breaks.

Let’s be real — sometimes, the heaviness of the world does require a pause. If you need to take a break to process, rest, or simply breathe, do it. You’re human, not a machine.

When we're worried or concerned, our sympathetic nervous system switches on, which changes blood and oxygen flow and can impact how we think and behave. Using conscious breathing, walking, stepping outside or doing a body scan can help to shift the body back into the "rest and digest" state of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Your employees need breaks, too. Harvard has a good article about "how to take better breaks at work, according to science" that you can share with them. Taking time to acknowledge what's going on and sharing the circles of influence can support them in refocusing on what they can personally do.

Keep moving forward, even if it’s at a slower pace.

4. Connect and get support

One of the most powerful things you can do is to lean into your support network. Surround yourself with people who understand what you’re going through — other entrepreneurs, friends, mentors, a certified coach or a therapist. Talking things out can bring clarity and ease the mental load.

It’s easy to get stuck in your own head, especially when the world feels heavy. But when you connect with others, you realize you’re not alone. Your worries are valid, but they’re also shared. And when you share the load, it feels a little lighter.

Having coffee with a friend or business connection is one of my favourite ways to feel better. ☕️ It's powerful how a good conversation will fill my proverbial cup and shift my energy. Plus, we get new ideas, shift our perspectives and leave feeling supported.

Don’t underestimate the power of connection to keep you grounded and inspired.

You've got this!

The world needs people like you — entrepreneurs, creatives, and heart-led leaders — to keep going, showing up, and creating solutions, hope, and possibility.

So, take a breath. Feel your feelings. Connect with others. And keep stepping towards your goals. The world’s challenges are real — but so is your power to personally make a difference.

Keep going. We need you! 🌟

Jenifer Horvath is an ICF-certified coach, business consultant, and founder of HeartLifted Business Coaching. With over 25 years of experience working with global brands and regional organizations, Jenifer empowers small business leaders to achieve strategic clarity, sustainable growth, and meaningful impact. Known for her balance of sharp business acumen and deep empathy, she helps entrepreneurs navigate challenges, unlock potential, and drive results. Jenifer is passionate about harnessing mindset, AI and digital tools to enhance business efficiency, and she’s on a mission to inspire leaders to build businesses — and lives — that thrive with purpose and resilience.

Jenifer Horvath

As a life and business coach, I work with entrepreneurial women to gain clarity, manage their minds, and achieve goals so they can be more present, successful and productive at work and home.

I was a Mommy blogger from 2010 - 2015 and used old-school Squarespace then ( Now I recommend Squarespace to all my clients and will help them navigate getting it set up. But, I leave all the good design, UX, copywriting, funnels etc, up to the experts. 

I previously worked in marketing positions with EPCOR, Playtex, NAIT, Alberta Motor Association, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation, and a tech start-up. I periodically will write marketing strategies or consult for companies that I deeply believe in but prefer now to coach entrepreneurs.

How to Manage Your Small Business During an Economic Slowdown